Winning with waste by recycling materials into high quality products for the civils and onstruction industry.

commercial, industrial & residential
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Winning with waste
Fundamental Waste Streams
Construction, Demolition and Excavation waste

Aggreg8 contracts with demolishers, excavators and developers, receive their waste (previously destined for the landfills) and reprocess this “waste” into reusable construction products such as sub-base material, concrete mix, building sand, filling and a crushed sand for concrete product manufacturing.
Aggreg8 products are sold at the prevailing market pricing and will be consistent with the equivalent quarry material and concrete product quality that is currently rated by SABS standards. Demand for eco-friendly building material has been on the increase over the past few years.
As a result of the study, the total volume of construction and demolition waste was re-evaluated at over 500,000,000 tonnes per year, 46% of which is recycled. Although way behind Europe and America, South Africa will no doubt follow this trend. In 2015 legislation will come into effect that includes building material as part of the green rating of the building.

rushing and screening of building rubble, concrete and excavated materials
We currently process a healthy level of building rubble and concrete from surrounding areas where demolitions and excavations abound, this, in its very nature to our close proximity to market as well as the further opportunity due to the shutdown of a nearby land-fill site. The operation, through its current and proposed production, supply back into the market with above mentioned products. The end product produced will be “Green” friendly and in accordance with the Green Building Council’s guidelines for building requirements. It will meet the necessary quality assurances and be graded on a continuous basis.
Possible environmental impacts on this process are both noise and dust pollution. We have minimised both through carefully understanding the process of recycling. Dust is very prominent in our area from the mine dumps in the area and the general reductions thereof. In order not to add to this pollution we have inserted various water methods in dampening the amount of dust that is freed into the air, this, through water carts over the land and water sprayers on the machinery both on the inflow and outflow. We have inserted the necessary noise reduction techniques on all our machinery so as not to disturb the area. Our drive is to reduce the harm on the environment in every possible way.
Our Team
Bringing value to your build

Germiston – Malvern East
Aggreg8 is strategically positioned at the heart of a major interchange and route to the south, east, west and near north of Johannesburg as well as Germiston urban and CBD areas. The position in Malvern East bordering the Germiston interchange. We are situated on 32 000 m2 of open land bordering an industrial area of both Cleveland and Malvern. Access to this site is off a main road joining Johannesburg and Germiston. The site has the council approved zoning for the recycling of waste materials as described.
We have realised that we can unlock great value from waste materials by using the correct technology and processes. We are utilising construction waste including excavated and demolition materials and in doing this we dramatically reduce the ever increasing rising costs of building materials as well as dumping and transport related costs, we are also assisting councils in maximising the life span on the current landfill sites in and around our areas of operation and believe the synergies with council are great. We believe we are making strides in improving the negative and harmful practices on the environment and in turn promoting good, green and healthy Initiatives in the construction space. Our growth in these areas adds employment and training opportunities to the communities in becoming able to contribute through a learned skill thus building pride and dignity. We are passionate about what we do, especially about making a difference!